Walter Gets His Wings

When we checked on Walter and Willa tonight, all we could see was Willa. She was high in the tree, looking all around, hopping from limb to limb, climbing the trunk of the tree. She wore herself out, and Walter was nowhere to be seen. Willa laid down on the broken branch we first spotted her on, exhausted from her efforts. Then Walter flew in from another tree, all proud of himself. He was hopping and flying around, looking for Nora. They were ready for dinner.

Willa: “Hey, Paparazzo, do you see Walter anywhere?”

Walter flew in from another tree.

Willa: “Mama! I need dinner!”

As we were walking back, the badger made a mad dash from one hole to another hole. We stopped, and it came back out and listened to us for a bit. We were so close to it that I had to take a few steps back to get enough distance to focus on the badger.


45 thoughts on “Walter Gets His Wings

  1. Congratulations to Walter on his first real flight! Willa will soon follow. I am going to miss these youngsters! I don’t know how long they stay around before looking for new territories of their own, but I am hoping you keep us updated until then.

    A handsome badger, beautiful flowers, especially the Dr. Huey, and some wild skies. Thank you, Tim!

    • They hang around through the summer, but not in the same trees. It takes awhile for them to learn to feed themselves. Thanks, Lavinia.

  2. Way to go Walter! Who could resist those magnificent cloud-scapes?
    Your shots of the badger are amazing, Tim. Thanks for sharing that with us — and for all the color, whimsy, and wonder. Hugs!

    • You are welcome, Teagan. Happy you can enjoy our little corner of the wild world.

  3. Ah, Walter you’re all grown up now. Next step, getting your own food!
    I get a feeling that this badger has got the eyes for you! Sweet!
    Painter is in such great mood popping all sorts of colors in his paintings.

    • Learning to feed themselves takes a few months, but they are well on their way. Thanks, Marina,

  4. I’m sure Nora will find her wings in due course. I LOVE your climbing roses, such a deep, rich red! The front view of the badger’s face reminds me of someone I used to know, but I can’t remember who.

  5. Good for Walter! Owls, gorgeous badger, beautiful flowers, and what a last photo of the sunset. Great stuff again, Tim. Cheers.

      • I used to feed family of badgers, everynight. Mum Dad and a little one. They loved pork pies! I spoke with the other guards, and they agreed to feed them when I wasn’t there. Being early morning when they arrived, after a day or two of being a smidge nervous, they came to the window I fed them from straight away. Loved them. A closed down nursing home. Great shots again mate!

  6. They grow up so fast. I guess they’ll be getting their own dinner soon?

    Hey, that badger is real cute. What do they do? OH NO! I just looked them up.

    It says the American Badger is on the endangered species list.

    Take good care of Badgie! xx

  7. I am sure it will not be long before Willa figures out what those side appendages are for. I can also imagine Walter taunting here until then ha!

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