Red Cape on the Edge of the Salton Sea

I have a series of photos taken in twilight at the Salton Sea that I was trying to decide how I wanted to present them. I finally decided to write a song and create a music video with the images. I took advantage of this wet, rainy, muddy Black Friday to record the song and put the video together.

Red Cape on the Edge of the Salton Sea
Lyrics and Music by Timothy Price

Standing on the edge
Of the Salton Sea
Dancing in the darkness

Wrapped in a cloak
Releasing red
Wakening spirits
From the salty beds

Twilight glows
Off the shore
Cape swirls
Disturbed forlorn

Ceremony’s twilight
Apparitions conjured
Silhouettes dancing
in the night
Dusk turns on
A golden somber
Silence calls
Ghosts asunder

Six x Six

A wide-angle looking east. The Sandias are blocked by clouds.

They kitties and I got up at 6:30 this morning to find 6 inches (15.24 centimeters) of snow on the ground and no power. Since we have our own well, no power means no water. Fortunately, we have a gas stove and keep bottled water on hand, so I could make coffee. Power was restored around 10:45 am, so it had been off 6 hours or longer. We did have cell service, so I was able to call the power company to make sure they knew we were without power. Then the kitties and I went out at 7:00 am, played in the snow and took photos.


Resa’s tree

Electric meter.

Echinacea cone heads

View looking west along the neighbor’s fence.

View looking north.


Looking west down our road before anyone had driven on it.


On the way to Payson, AZ

These are a series of desertscapes on our way home from Gila Bend, AZ. There is smoke hanging in the hills from controlled burns.

North of Gila Bend, AZ


North of Gila Bend, AZ

The smoke and the early morning sun make the hills look like paper cutouts.

On The Brink


Last Friday night we went to the San Diego Maritime Museum. They have a Soviet Foxtrot B-39 diesel-electric attack submarine on display in the harbor. There were videos about the Cuban Missle Crises, with details of what went on in the submarine from Soviet archives that were uncovered in a meeting in Cuba in 2002. The submarine is 300 feet long. We entered at the front torpedo tubes, and as we walked back towards the “After Torpedo Room” to the exit, the submarine went on and on and on.






View climbing up from the After Torpedo Room.