
Synchronized update

Life is reduced to charging devices
Damned to eternal update hell
Bitcoin indulgences ring in virtual coffers
But no souls spring from the depths of our self-made electronic purgatory
Enslaved by our devices
Can we ever learn to breathe again?

Half moon at sunset


You all’s souls may be trapped in a self-made cyber purgatory, but I’m just beeing. Just sayin’!

Moon strays farther from Mars and Venus.

When A Flycatcher Catches Flies

Venus, Mars, stars, and the Moon aligned last night from lower right to upper left.

The key to the night sky last night from

How many flies do flycatchers catch when flycatchers are catching flies? That is a good 17-syllable question. However, I couldn’t get a Timku out of the question as it is phrased. I made a couple of gifs and wrote and recorded a silly song to go with the gifs, and made a music video instead of a Timku.

This lizard ran up ahead of me and stopped in a sliver of shade and looked at me. When it saw its reflection in the Bazooka, it came back toward me to challenge the lizard in the lens. I had to back up because it got too close for me to focus. It did push-ups for the challenge.

Blue Grosbeak

Bunny in the bosque

New Mexico whiptail lizard


Bullfrog hanging in the current


Turkey Vulture

A Change of Scene

Sunrise as seen from the same as it ever was scene.

Tristan’s funky chickens at the Solstice party. Chickens may be fowl, but they know how to party.

Drama in the southern sky.

Orange in the western sky.

Venus and the moon riding a black dragon.

Happy Solstice!

Spunk: “Bah, Solstice humbug! The stinking day lasts too stinking long on stinking Solstice!”

Venus and the sliver moon at dust again.

Night sky looking east.

Sol the orange and black striped beetle: “I love Solstice and having a long day to lounge in the daisies!”

Night sky looking west.

Night sky looking north.

Night Sky Looking south.