
I was in the infinite shed of doom measuring and taking inventory of material for a project I’m working on. When I moved some wood, a darling baby skunk ran between my legs and took refuge under another infinite pile of doom before I could get a photo of it. When I pulled a door open that acts as a wall to a caged-in area in the shed, I was face to face with Mama Skunk. She lunged at me a few times when I stuck my phone in her face, but then she finally sat back and listened to me talk to her. She never acted like she was going to spray me. It’s possible that since I only take a shower a couple of times a week to save water, and since I was dirty, sweaty, and all dressing in black, she might have thought I was a big, stinky Nephilim paparazzo, who obviously could not be a threat the way I smelled.

Mama Skunk sitting back and listening to me talk to her.

55 thoughts on “Stinking

  1. Oh jeez! How lucky are you that you managed to get her to stop and listen! That could have turned out so differently… Gorgeous skies, too.

  2. Ah, Tim, they all know who you are! I’d be surprised if she sprayed you. They’re all lining up to pose for you! She’s so sweet. Meantime, the painter was really busy! Wow!

  3. How lucky you are, although quite honestly, I wouldn’t know what I’d do when confronted by one of those.
    Such a scented beauty, Mama Skunk is photogenic too.
    I’m sure she was smitten by the smelly giant.
    Baby is the cutest. Love these images.

    • When I rode my bike to work years ago, there was a skunk that would run along side me up to the neighbor’s drive when I left in the morning. Then it would greet me when I got home by head butting my leg when I stopped to get off the bike. Thanks, Maj and Sher.

  4. I so enjoyed this skunk encounter, Timothy. Your descriptions were great and I LOL at “big, stinky Nephilim paparazzo.” Nice that your conversation with her calmed her. Fantastic sky photos too, my friend.

    • To a little skunk, I can imagine how scary humans are. More like mosters. Thanks, David.

  5. LOL! 😂 I’m glad she was feeling reasonable for your sake! We have seen a lot of skunks around the house lately, I even had a close encounter, like you, I was spared, but my neighbor’s dog got sprayed the other night, unfortunately!

  6. Hilarious and beautiful! Some people just have a way with all creatures great and small. 🙂

    • Skunks don’t like to spray unless it’s really necessary. And I already stank. She figured she didn’t need to waste the sppary. Thanks, JYP.

      • Still brave of you to risk it! Last time I was close to a skunk, I was walking from a Shabbat dinner host house to the house where I was staying overnight (I was traveling out of town). I saw a skunk ahead of me. Took me 10 minutes to walk too houses because I was walking super slowly to keep enough distance between me and the skunk so the skunk would not feel threatened. I did not want to risk bringing skunk into my kind host’s home!

  7. Wow what a magnificent sky Tim. That skunk was something. I have never seen one close up in nature. Maybe she just appreciated your voice, we talk to the deer in our yard but from a distance. I glad you were not sprayed. You sure have some lovely critters where you live. Big hugs and love to you two, Joni

  8. How adorable! If it wasn’t for their odeur, skunks could be sweet pets.
    Tim, you are so funny! According to you, if it wasn’t for the odeur, you could make a sweet pet.
    I jest!! xx

  9. Now that is an accommodating mamma skunk – around here they spray first and ask questions second… hell, make that spray twice and ask questions third!

    • But you have dogs. They always spray if dogs are around. Skunks are more catlike. Maybe they sense I like cats. Thanks, Brian.

  10. She thinks your one of here own.. 😂
    “It’s possible that since I only take a shower a couple of times a week to save water, and since I was dirty, sweaty, and all dressing in black, she might have thought I was a big, stinky Nephilim paparazzo, who obviously could not be a threat the way I smelled.”

    laughing as I love sweat too and am doing the same thing as you with water. I tried to capture a skunk the other night in a pic but it was sooo darn fast.. lucky you./. 💖👏👏👏👏

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