Ghost Ducklings In The Ditch

Well after sunset, ghost ducklings were out swimming in the ditch.

Sunset looked like the Tegelen vlag 1955. Tegelen is a municipality in the Netherlands. Herman might know something about Tegelen and its flags.

51 thoughts on “Ghost Ducklings In The Ditch

    • Thanks, Becky. I’m surprised I got anything since it was so dark, and I could barely see them.

  1. Brilliant. Lovely colours on the ghost pics. Now I can’t get Ghost Riders in the Sky out of head……. well the tune of it to the words of the ghost ducks.

  2. Stunning sunsets you share with us, Tim. A complete joy. Fun to see the ghost ducklings, too. That’s a big brood and their stealth is creatively captured here.

  3. You captured some very, very beautiful images, Tim! The Painter is working overtime these days, especially that first scene with the rainbow.

    Love those ducklings! Hope there are no snapping turtles in that ditch.

    86 up here yesterday, 68 today at best. That’s what I call a reversal…. 🙂

    • We do have snapping turtles. 99 yesterday, and a forecast of 91 today. Thanks, Lavinia.

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