Friday Night At The Movies

I did not get the full June Moon because of overcast skies.

The perils of irrigating.

Speaking of the perils of irrigating, I also flushed out a porcupine. When he saw us, he turned around, waded back into the water, and climbed the apple tree.

Silver also had a few things to say to me.

59 thoughts on “Friday Night At The Movies

  1. Tim, love the sunset, of course! And your chat with Silver sounded as if he knew what you were saying. Smart & cute! Enjoy your interactions with the wild life! You live in a very special place. 😊🎶

    • That dude was not backing down. The full video is over three minutes. Thanks, Susan.

    • That gopher was a little beast. Silver knows how to put on the cute. Thanks, Marina.

  2. A beautiful selection of photos and videos, Tim! A slice of life on the Price Ranch. We had good moon viewing up here, and hopefully will again tonight.

    Some set of teeth on that gopher! I loved Silver speaking Cattinese with you! 🙂

    • Cattinese. I love it. That gopher was a real tough guy with those teeth. It started raining last night, and we still had light rain this morning. Only about a 1/4 inch so far, but we are happy with any rain in June.

  3. Yikes! Tim, that gopher has some big teeth and could take a big bite out of your shins. Daphne very much enjoyed his video though.

    When I played the one of Silver, Velma hurried up to join Daphne, and they both kissed the computer screen to comfort Silver. 🐱 Hugs from the Scoobies and me.

    • Awww! How cute. I just told Silver. He appreciates the feline support. That gopher was something else. Size didn’t matter to him. He was determined to kick my butt or at least bite me on the old shin bone. Thanks, Teagan.

  4. Thank you for making me laugh Tim. “Angry Gopher” played by Angry Gopher…..
    He was a bit intimidating…wondering how you managed to ditch him?
    Loved this post (love Silver xoxoxo)

    • Thanks, Silvia. I’m happy you got a laugh out of it. We need more laughter in this world.

  5. I wouldn’t want to run afoul of a gopher. Those front teeth could inflict some serious damage. We had a porcupine sighting a couple of days ago. There were two of them up a tree in our yard. Silver’s head tilt is irresistible!

    • Porcupines are very large rodents. The way Silve cocks his head when he’s trying to get attention is irresistible. I always have to stop what I’m doing and let him sit on my lap for a few minutes. Thanks, Liz.

  6. Some great shots and a tale to boot. Comments got me drifting back to Cyril and Lady with the distinctive sounds. Cheers!

  7. That gopher does not look pleased. Mine just runs away, then peeks from behind the hedge, hoping I’ll leave.

    Love your conversation with Silver 🙂

    • He was a mean old Grinchy gopher, but he lived to tell his grandgophers about beating the crap out of a giant pesky paparazzo. Most people would have killed it. I simply did a video of him trying to kick my butt. Thanks, Resa.

  8. Wow, that gopher is seriously pissed!! Oddly enough, I have NEVER seen a porocupine in the wild. On my list of things to tin sometime, but no luck so far – even went to the Porcupine Mountains up in Michigan… guess what I didn’t see .. a porcupine.. I think the Ojibwa were smoking something when they named that. Kitty deserves some attention!

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