Walter And Willa Move South

Sandias at sunset

May’s Flower Moon in the clouds

Osric looking handsome

Willa looked like she had an itch to scratch

Will having a little trouble with her balance

Willa looking lovely

Nora Has dinner

Nora preparing dinner

Nora: “Oops! Looks like I dropped dinner. Sure Enough!” Walter: “I can’t believe you dropped dinner!”

Willa and Walter

Willa doing the Funky Chicken

Walter’s crash landing

Willa, being an Angel

Can you find Osric in the above photo?

Osric Owl

Can you find Willa and Walter in the above photo?


59 thoughts on “Walter And Willa Move South

  1. Yes, indeed. Osric and the brood are looking handsome. “Willa doing the Funky Chicken” absolutely slayed me! Tim, I still say you could make a fabulous coffee table book of the owls. Hug on the wing.

  2. Beautiful photos of the moon. Nora and Walter are beautiful and fluffy. They are getting bigger. Walter sure gets spoiled with Nora providing him food lol

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed this owl series, Tim! I found all the owls in those photos. They do blend in well with their surroundings!

    I love the sunset and moon photos, especially the one with the Sandias.

    Overcast up here last night and I did not get to see the moon. Today looks like it will be much the same.

  4. I love these shots of the Flower Moon. We had unbelievable storms last night and cloudy skies the night before so, so far I’ve been SOL. I love when you get us to look for the owls. Took a while to find Osric, tell you what!!

    The Sandias are always just so beautifully highlighted.

      • There was a crack of thunder last night with such a flash of lightening. I just ’bout near jumped out of my skin!
        They are experts at camo!

        • That was a close one. Our house got struck by lighting once. Laurie was hanging a plant on a rail I had installed in the ceiling in the sun room when it hit. She said an arc of electricity sparkled all the way around the rail. Luckily she didn’t get zapped. The lightning dented the metal roof, melted the breakers in the breaker box, and took out our computer. Fortunately, it didn’t start the house on fire.

          • It was!
            And what a scary thing to live through. So glad Laurie didn’t get zapped.
            Many, MANY moons ago, we were up at the neighbour’s cottage. Mrs. D. was on the phone with Mr. D. (it was a mothers and kids getaway). Lightening went through the window (without breaking it), hit the mirror, which shattered and blew the phone off the wall – right next to the mirror. She couldn’t hear from that ear for a long time. Needless to say, Mr. D. was frantic at the other end…

            • I can imagine Mr. D. was frantic. Thinking back with phones on the wall, you wonder how we ever communicated, but then again, we seemed to communicate a lot more back then than we do now. I used to organize bike races and all I had was a landline and snail mail.

              • He was. I can’t remember (was just a kid) if someone went to the neighbour’s to call him. And yes, we communicated way more back then. Imagine, my father was a real estate agent and he went to the office, got his little pink messages, called people back and then went home… none of this immediate beck and call crap we have today.

  5. Willa and Walter have grown so much! I love the photos of Sandias and the moon seen through clouds. I spotted Willa and Walter in the tree. Osric was too well camouflaged.

  6. Walter and Willa are beautiful. I wonder where they will move? I still hope someowl will move into your nest.

    I found everyone in the pics. Osric was quite low! xx

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