Devilish Similarities


I am getting so frustrated with WordPress’s constant idiotic changes I am ready to stop blogging. The issues the developers introduce are not worth the frustration of trying to comment, reply to comments, and put posts together. I just don’t need the added frustration right now.

Like the rest of our house, where there is little difference between outside and inside, so it goes with the temperature.

Yes! That is a badger about 15 feet from me listening to what I have to say.

When it first saw us, it hunkered down, but then as I talked to it lifted its head up to listen.

I got close to the minimum focus distance of 11 feet for the Bazooka lens on this shot. The badger looks like, “Yeah! Yeah! Ahuh! You’re so full of crap, paparazzo!”


Sandias and Rio Grade at dusk

Sliver moon in the clouds.

75 thoughts on “Devilish Similarities

  1. I didn’t know we had badgers in the Bosque. This one looks very interesting and just a little bit scary…Thanks for sharing the pics!
    Beautiful flowers, as always!

  2. I fully agree with your opinion about all the changes WP is doing lately. It doesn’t make me feel happy. I can understand that a company needs to evolve but I can’t see much good improvements in the things they are doing.
    Great photographs of the badger. That’s a very intriguing animal…

    • WP can keep up with technology and security without making so many necessary and annoying changes that are unstable. Thanks, Herman.

  3. WP is very frustrating. I was also considering on ending my blog or even going to a different site. It’s just a hassle.
    I can’t imagine how difficult with your blog when you have all beautiful pictures ☺️
    Speaking of beautiful pictures! The roses and flowers are beautiful!
    Wow badgers and owls! I don’t know if I have badgers up where I live, but how lucky were you to get that shot so close!!😱

  4. Awww… that’s a cute badger! Skies and Moon are breathtaking and yep that’s a devilish temp!
    As for WP, I’m constantly getting the ‘WordPress White Screen of Death’ and can’t get into my admin. I switched to chrome and I can. Firefox, even after clearing cache several times persist on the bloody white page! As for commenting, it’s plain irritating having to constantly log in [when you already are logged in!] in order to comment or like. I was already at a minimum presence on wp due to the house, this is not helping much.

        • Maybe not. I don’t have any comments from Socratis. Dang. I love his comments. He would probably have better luck through the Reader.

            • I found his comment it spam. WP made me login, when I’m already logged in, to respond to his comment. So freaking stupid and frustrating.

              • Same here, Tim. I’ve had to log in every time to make comments or even like. And sometimes that doesn’t go through. I just go with it. Responding to bloggers I follow is worth it. I’d really miss you if you gave up and quit blogging. 📚🎶Christine

                • Thanks, Christine. I probably won’t quit. But I’m getting close. How’s your book coming?

                  • Tim, thanks for always asking about the book sequel. It’s in the last chapters and soon ready for the editor. Publishing it by summer. This has been a lot of AI Microsoft Pilot history research for personalizing the Vietnam War. 📚🎶 Christine

  5. Thank you for all the work you do putting these beautiful posts together, Tim. I appreciate it.

    That is a very handsome badger. You have a way with the creatures of the bosque.

  6. I definitely understand the WP frustrations. I too had the same problem commenter Marina had with always needing to log in to comment or like even though I was already logged in. 😵‍💫 When I got a new computer that problem seemed to go away. I stepped away from blogging for a bit and started to miss the creative outlet as well as the interaction with other bloggers. Hope you don’t step away totally. Loved all your floral images and I’m sure capturing those pics of that badger was fun.

  7. Nice photos of flowers and the badger Tim. Eventually WP will stop messing with the product under the guise of making improvements. I’ve notice the web site and app are different now, making continuity for content creators and readers difficult. Eerie moon through the clouds. Please keep blogging.

  8. Beautiful skyscapes! Thanks for the badger photos. I’ve never seen one before. I hear you about WordPress. Yesterday, my reader went wacky. I’ve started a Substack to hedge my bets.

  9. Between CorelDraw and WordPress, and my eyesight, PN and memory problems, I have to agree with you, and have been thinking along the same lines, about WPressing. Tim. But, where would I be without your amazing posts? Such as this one. Cheers.

  10. My beau keeps threatening to leave WP every time they bugger things up, once again. I know so many people who are looking to change to another platform. Ugh. I see Liz mentioned Substack – I don’t love them. They are annoying to deal with as a reader when you are not subscribed. It’s fine if you are but let’s face it, when doing challenges like Friday Fictioneers, I don’t want to subscribe to everyone!

    K. Rant over… Love, love, LOVE your roses! And that badger looks like he was really listening to you whinge and complain…

  11. Sigh. That is a tease Timothy, to say you might not post again then go on to create such a brilliant post. I hope you’ll keep going, but I understand how you feel. I am just back after a hiatus to find various new ‘It wasn’t broken… now it is’ features. I hate being asked if I want to subscribe when leaving a comment when I am already subscribed and doubly hate that appearing on my own blog when I know it will put some people off interacting. But I do value the community here.

  12. Lovely to see Badgers, they are a little different around the face than our Badgers in England, but badgers none the less 🙂 And loved your flowers and sky..
    As to WP and the changes, lots of people I hear complaining now, Seems those changes either haven’t hit me yet … But the Classic Editor when they changed that took me a while to get used to the block one..

    And yes sometimes you have to jump through hoops just to comment Especially if you are not logged in… and then sometimes I can go around in circles on some blogs so end up just pressing Like… It can be frustrating xx

  13. Fabulous photos, I sure hope you do keep posting! I understand the frustration with WordPress. I want nothing to do with the Blockhead editor, and have found a way around it. I sure hope they never end my detour.

  14. Love the photos Tim, especially the badger, roses, and clouds! I’ve never seen a badger close up. I hear you on WP. Leaving comments has become a nightmare, unless I’m in the reader.

  15. Effin WP!

    I’m now using the blockhead.

    Anyway, don’t go! I need my fixes of nature, and you.

    This is the closet I’ve been to a badger. So cute. xx

  16. I’m sorry for all the frustration, Tim. Believe me I get it. Like so many others here I’ll add to the chorus of “Don’t go!”
    Wow, a badger? I never thought about one of those guys being around. Isn’t it funny how animals will return a look and then listen when we talk to them? They are so underestimated.
    Hang in there. Hugs.

    • Thanks, Teagan. Wild animals will listen once they determine you are not a threat.

  17. I am basically reduced to using two browsers to comment on WP posts. I use Firefox for all most posting and for liking a posts, but when I want to comment I have to move to Chrome as that is the only one that maintains my authentication and doesn’t force me to log in again and again. I contacted WP support and they gave me the “you need to clear your cache”. Sorry pal, I come from your profession and that is NOT the problem – like the help desk telling you to reboot your machine just to get you off the line.

    • I’ve given up on WP support. They act like I’m an idiot. I remind the pompous tech support jerk that he or she or it or they or them, whatever, might not have been born when I started scripting in PHP. They get pretty peeved when I call them on the crap.

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