Flowers, Skies & Owls

Nora Owl in on of her favorite spots. She was not hooting a grocery list to Osric tonight.

Meanwhile, Osric was hanging out on his gate when he got the urge to upchuck a pellet.

Walter was chilling and giving me Maddogs on a lower branch.

Willa was hanging out near the end of a branch about 10 feet above Walter.


39 thoughts on “Flowers, Skies & Owls

  1. Those flowers really pop and give the ones I shared the other day a run for their money. Love the owl family and skies.

  2. The Painter keeps on experimenting with those NM skies, Tim. I enjoy all the beauty you capture in your area.

    I remember when I was a youngster, seeing a collection of owl pellets at the local Nature Center. Prey going down and coming back up in processed form.

    • Unlike snakes, owls can’t digest bones. Pellets are interesting to dissect. Thanks, Lavinia.

  3. Incredible silhouette of Nora.

    What’s an upchucked pellet?

    Walter sure is packing the fluff! When will they fly?

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