Zero to Spunk in 3D*

Silver admiring the Organic White Sweet Spunk.

It took Spunk only about *three days to return to his “catankerous” self and his normal routine of pacing around the house at all hours and killing his tails. Although, instead of placing his tails on the counter to protective all of us, he is taking them to the couch where he is sleeping to protect himself. After his three-week ordeal in a parallel cataverse, or kitty purgatory if you like, he feels like he needs to keep all the kitty tail protection for himself.

To celebrate Spunk’s Zero to Spunk in 3D*, I’m posting a parody of Candy by Iggy Pop with Kate Pierson called Kitty.


by Teagan Riordain Geneviene and Timothy Price with Suzette Presti. Music by Iggy Pop.

Teagan Riordain Geneviene of Teagan’s Books came up with the idea of making the parody of Candy. She sent me the idea for the parody with the lyrics for Kitty’s part (Kate Pierson’s part) and the duet with Iggy and Kate at the end. Teagan asked me to write lyrics for Iggy’s part in the beginning of the song. I had not heard Candy before, so I looked it up, listened to it, and wrote the intro lyrics based on Teagan’s prompts. I processed the music and then learned Iggy’s parts the best I could. It turned out to be a difficult song, but I finally got it to work. I recorded my part of the parody and sent the music file to Teagan. Teagan has a beautiful voice, however, she discovered that Kate’s part was out of her range, and with all the other stuff she had on her plate, she could not work in the time to record Kitty’s part and get it to her liking.

I understood completely. However, Teagan’s idea for the parody was brilliant, our lyrics were excellent, and I didn’t want to let a really good parody go to waste. Suzette Presti, who is a professional singer, was gracious enough to take up the challenge of singing Kitty’s part. I sent her a recording with the music and my vocals, she recorded Kitty’s parts and sent me her recording. I mixed her vocals and my vocals with the music and voilà! Like a musical Frankenstein, Teagan’s wonderful idea for a parody came to life. Enjoy!

88 thoughts on “Zero to Spunk in 3D*

  1. And enjoy it, I did, Sir, thanks. Clever stuff!

    Silver’s thoughts came over the ether when I first saw the photo.
    “Did you have to come back, Spunk? I could have been enjoying that box, now! Humph!”

  2. HYSTERICAL!!! OMG! I can relate! People who do not have a lot of cats do NOT understand what they can do. I am laughing SO hard! Brilliant song, Tim! One time hubby put on a sweater and later that day his brother said, Hey, you smell like pee. OMG! Teehee ………

    • Spunk was wanting attention one time, and I wasn’t giving him the attention the way he wanted or something, so he turned around and sprayed me. We were both pissed after that. Thanks, Amy Rose. Happy to have given you a good laugh.

    • LOL. You’re so right Amy Rose. Part of “Kitty” was inspired by a guy who wrote a story from his cat’s point of view — and the cat got jealous and peed on his shirt. Yes, only cat people know! Hugs on the wing!

  3. OMG!!! That was fantastic!!!! I love the original song, I can imagine trying to hit those notes would be difficult! You actually have the right tone to match Iggy, so fantastic, I’m glad you made it happen, Tim, great job! 👍😂😊

    • Thanks, Tiffany. Iggy has a lot of subtly in his vocals, which took a lot of careful listening and many retakes to get any moderately close on the recording.

    • Thanks, Charlotte. I didn’t know the song either. But once I started putting it all together, I could see it was going to be really good parody. Did you have cats growing up?

    • I posted another parody. Two versions one with Teagan singing. I think you will really enjoy wer voice.

  4. Tim, thanks for going forward with the idea after I dropped out. Yes, I really had too much going on emotionally to finish. I’m horribly sorry that Spunk went missing, but you made this into a purr-fect way to commemorate his homecoming. Hugs on the wing!

    • Thanks, Teagan. We couldn’t let a brilliant parody go to waste. I was thinking about a video, but video is so time consuming and Spunk’s home coming was a good use of the song.

  5. […] The parody-craziness infected me, and later I sent part of the lyrics for another song, to the tune of Iggy Pop’s “Candy.”  I was in a particularly difficult PTSD rough patch when we started trying to finish the recording — and I bailed.  Tim liked it enough that he got a real singer to finish my part.  She did much better than I ever could.  Anyhow, “Kitty” fit purr-fectly as part of Spunk’s homecoming.  Click this second link and you’ll find it at Tim’s previous post. […]

  6. I follow Teagan’s blog and I know how fond she’s of music, but I didn’t know about her talent for lyrics. This is wonderful! Congratulations to both of you and to Suzette. Not an easy challenge to rise up to! Great fun!

  7. What a fun parody!!!
    You both sound fab. So much fun here.
    So, Spunkie – Poo 💋 peed on your shirt.
    He’s a bad boy, but boy oh boy he’s soooo cute!

  8. Tim, everything about this post is brilliant. That recording is magical! 🤣 It’s amazing what our cats get up to and the unbelievable ways they challenge our sanity from day to day. So thankful Spunk is home safely and recovering well. That was a long time away!

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