Sunrise / Sunset on Sandias


We had a thin cloud cover most of the day Friday that produced muted light that colored everything with a grayish tint. The cranes had already flown off by the time I got to the riverbank at sunrise, but they flew back to the river at sunset.








46 thoughts on “Sunrise / Sunset on Sandias

  1. Ok..these are amazing….when are you going to do another book – talk to me about marketing your talents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. I know the silver and gold landscape is rather unusual in New Mexico. It can even be a nice change from that glorious turquoise-blue sky. Nicely composed, Tim. And the cranes… I think i could watch them all day; such wondrous birds. Not to be the echo of everyone else, but those really are amazing shots. A beautiful way to begin a wintry morning — looking at New Mexico. Hugs to you and yours. 😀

    • Thanks, Teagan! The cranes are so graceful and fly so effortlessly that you can watch them all day. One of the other enchanting factors about New Mexico is that the light offers such a huge pallet of colors, in what often looks to be a limited range of dry, desert hues.

  3. staggering images, as usually: they look like paintings… admiration and respect, Sir! my very best, good luck in all your future endeavours and friendly thoughts, Mélanie

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