Post Father’s Day Post

Pre-sunset sunset

Father’s Day was low-key. Tristan picked up a Pickle Pizza from Village Pizza. It’s the pizza of the month. It was a “big dill” and very good, also. Laurie made cookies, and we had chocolate “moose.” Tristan gave me a beautiful Bromeliad.

Father’s Day food in the making.

My Father’s Day gift from Tristan. It’s beautiful.

Spunk watching the dog from the safety of the hammock.

Oriental Lily


Tiger Lilies in “weighting.”

Zoomed in on sunset

40 thoughts on “Post Father’s Day Post

  1. Happy day after Father’s Day., Tim!

    The Bromeliad is stunning. That is a beautiful and thoughtful gift.

    Dog..Tristan’s dog.

    Spunkie-Poo šŸ’‹ looks unhappy. xx

  2. Happy belated Father’s Day, Tim! Nothing wrong with low key celebrations. I think they are often the most meaningful.

    Beautiful photos, and little Spunk looks as cute as always.

  3. love the warmth and sweetness of this one; count me a subscriber: Iove the mix of pics and verse : a few people do this — Bridgette is one — and they do it very well —

  4. What is a pickle it a normal pizza in a shape of a pickle or does it really have pickles in it.. intrigued people want to know! I know those eyes, Spunk is plotting devious things – dog beware.

    • It was a pizza with dill pickles and ham. It was tasty. Corrales Pizza advertised it as A Big Dill! Thanks, Brian.

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