Pleased To Meet You, Hope You Guess My Name!

Already listening to the Stones.

There’s a second owlet who was bopping around to the beat, but it wouldn’t show its face.

Click on a photo to enlarge it.

Nora Owl giving me a stern look!


66 thoughts on “Pleased To Meet You, Hope You Guess My Name!

  1. My lord, that is some first picture there. They are all epic but that one is a beezer. And need I add now I can’t get that song out of head. I will be going about doing the woo-oh oohs all day.

  2. Two owlets! Maybe a third to hatch? That little owlet has a very wise and otherworldly expression. Beautiful photos, Tim, and a molten sunset to cap off the day.

    • Osric and Nora have never had more that two owlets. One year they only had one, Virginia. Thanks, Lavinia.

  3. What’s puzzling me is the nature of your game, Timothy. haha. Loved the photos today and the beautiful Nora in her pinks. Also, adorable to see the owlets!! Yay RS.

  4. I just love how “grumpy old men” owlets look! Just as I was wondering if there was more than one, I read the other is bopping, hidden from view!

    Love the quilted-coat Nora is sporting!

    Keep on rocking!

    • Walter Owl wants to see his frowning face on the cover of The Rolling Stone. Thanks, Gigi.

  5. “Hey, what’s the matter owls?
    We’re gonna come around at twelve
    With some Great Horned girls that’s just dyin’ to meet you
    We’re gonna bring a case of gophers
    Hey, let’s go mess and fool around
    You know, like we used to”

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