40 thoughts on “Surreal, Silver!

  1. I can only imagine the wonderful conversations you have around this table, Tim. I just read on a Cat Vet website: “feline patients I’ve worked with in the past come from multilingual homes, speaking two or more languages. These have included English, Russian, French, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Dutch, and many others. In the exam room, these cats certainly respond to various spoken words in these multiple languages. And owners are quick to assure me it’s no different at home.”


    Again, I say that cats have so much they can teach us!!!

    • Our cats are in a multilingual household. They all have their individual, quirky personalities and ways of communicating. The videos in the article were interesting. When I get home, the cats swarm around me and get wild. I’ll say, “Good grief, kitties!” And Laurie will say, “But Daddy’s home!” Thanks, Rebecca.

  2. Ha! Yes, Silver’s body has become modern art.

    That cat cheese line is hilarious. Sasha looks like she’s lost her girlish figure.

    Beautiful flowers.

    I’m still looking for a cat. I really am cat lonely.

    Thanks for sharing yours! xx

    • Sasha lost her girly figure when the vet had her on prednisolone for her allergies. It made her fat. I am having cataract surgery on Friday. I have to start putting prednisolone drops and antibiotic drops in my eyes on Thursday. I hope the prednisolone doesn’t make my eyes fat. Thanks, Resa.

      • LOLOL!
        I had cataract surgery, but my eyes didn’t get fat.
        What I did notice was colours. We don’t realize how sepia toned colours become, until we get them back!

        • They are doing both eyes. I had to make like ZZ Top and go out and buy a pair of cheap sunglasses because I didn’t have a non-prescription pair. I found a super cool pair for $7.

            • They are doing both, yes, one and then the other on Friday. The surgeon said the surgery will take 15 minutes. But I’ll be there for a couple of hours in recovery.

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