42 thoughts on “Foggy

  1. Such beauty from eerie, quiet dawn to rainbow dark. We’ll take your word for the in-between. 🙂

    • I didn’t set foot outside the office util I left to go home, and that was late. Thanks, Mary Jo.

    • Thanks, Bruce. We got a good rain on Saturday night. 4/10 of an inch. Doesn’t sound like much? We got a total of 3/100 of an inch of rain in November.

  2. Your first photo is what we looked like all day up here. I sounds like you got some rain, at least. I hope the rest of December’s weather is good to you, and the land.

  3. “Yes I got home late.” Ha! I imagine so! That was some epic fog. I’m glad you got home okay, Tim. That stuff really is dangerous. The photos are gorgeous, especially the first one. So ethereal and downright spooky. Hugs.

  4. F-or
    G-ot to notice the words
    G-oing down spelled out
    Y-our title!
    Good job Laurie! Totally got by me! Clever Tim

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