76 thoughts on “No Wet Kisses

  1. I love the photos and I really like where you’re going with the poetry. I feel like “wet” is the wrong adjective though – it keeps conjuring up images of gross slobbery dog kisses for me and taking me out of the zone of the earth desperately craving rain. I think there’s a way to reword to convey the Earth’s longing for rain’s kiss on her dry chapped lips – I’ll brainstorm. But I really like where this is going

      • I’ll have to search on your website and find more. A man of many talents! I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a book in progress. You do have a life story to tell. While living in Italy in my 30s, I started writing narrative poetry. Trying to figure out where I was going in life. One about Dementia was published in a nursing journal. I was working on a Senior Behavioral Care hospital unit. What kind of poetry do you like? Any favorite poets? 📚🎶 Christine

        • Holly with House of Hearts is my favorite blogger poet. I’ve had several poems posted on MasticadoresUsa // Editora: Gabriela Marie Milton.

            • I have Poetry as a tag on my posts with poems, but not much comes up when you search for “Poetry” on my blog. “Poem” returns the most results, but not all the posts that have poems.

              • Thanks! I checked for Poem and no results. Then, Music! There are poems there. And your collaboration with JYP on parodies, etc. Great, I can read them there. I wondered why JYP was questioning a word you used in one of your recent posts. She was going to think about another. Makes sense now. I enjoy JYPs blog posts too. A lot of writing talent, alone & together. 📚🎶 Christine

                • I’m not sure why WP has tags if they won’t come up in searches. Another frustration with WP. JYP is brilliant. She has great perspective, a good balance of sarcasm and humor, and writes excellent poems and lyris. We have done parodies and original songs together. I think “Dwowl and the Frumpy Cat” was that last name we came up with for our group.

                  • Awesome group name. I agree, JVP is brilliant. Her posts are engaging and thought-provoking. You two writing together are dynamite! WP does it’s own thing. Probably why I just have the free version with a simple header what’s there. 📚🎶

                    • I just posted a quick review of your book. The reader showed I am following you, but not on your site. I noticed there are a lot of posts I never got notifications for. I tried to refollow directly from your blog, but I got errors. I unfollowed and refollowed from the reader. That worked when I quit getting notifications of Cindy’s posts.

                    • Thanks, Tim for writing the review. It should be up in a day or so. And thank you for persisting in getting to follow my blog. WP Is quirky sometimes, as you know. There is a poem in the early line-up. 📚🎶 Christine

                  • Aww, you both are making me blush 😍. Love our collabs too. Hope to get back into it as Dwowls and the Frumpy Cat once I’m done with travel and life transitions (new job starts in a couple weeks; housing search continues).

                    • No need to blush. Like my BIL used to say “It’s the truth!” You can write lryics about the search for your paradise when things settle down. Congratulations on the new job. Have a blast on your travels.

  2. Odd as it sounds, after perusing this blog, I had to hastily shoot off to the Porcelain Throne, treading on a log lost podded pea en route to the wet room… the Peripheral Neuropathy dance that followed, I dedicate to you, as a rain dance for New Mexico! Hope it works, it was painful enough. Hahaha!

    • Sorry to bring on a wet spell. Too bad you couldn’t beam it over here to wet our dry ground. “Scotty, intercept that stream from Inchcock, and beam it to Corrales!” “Eye, but Captain, that’s a wee bit of wee to beam around the world.” I’ll let you know on how your rain dance worked out.

    • How fickle the rain
      Powerful line
      To contrast the earth’s yearning and suffering
      with utter disregard
      For her begging and pleading
      I’m oh so thirsty!!

      Stunning verse and photography

  3. Same here. Imagine, some clouds walked by, teasing with some flashes of lights and some drumming… But no rain to soothe the earth. Stunning pictures and amazing writing 😊

    • Thanks, Inner Musings. I had a couple of lines with lightning and thunder, but I left them out.

  4. Your TimKu’s are fab!
    That scorched earth shot is vey scary.
    Amazing that rain can fall, but never touch the ground!

    • It is scary. A little rain goes a long ways on weeds, but weeds are better than cracked ground. Thanks, Resa.

    • Las Vegas is a man-made oasis. Whith Lake Meade down to a dead pool, the outlook is not very good for Las Vegas or the southwestern USA.

      • Totally. It freaks me out. Especially with it being a total hub for lavish expenditure and tourist resource consumption. This area absolutely wasn’t meant to support mass amounts of people!!!

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