
Eye of Spunk.

Claws of owl.

“Mad Dog” from rear view of Robbin.

Not Even Sparrow looking coy.

Towhee mooning setting sun.

pTerodactyl basking in light of dusk.

Reflecting water Muskrat ponders.

34 thoughts on “InCatation

  1. I enjoyed your bosque photos and Spunk always looks good, no matter what he is doing! 🙂

    I haven’t forgotten your interview, Tim. Working my way to that.

  2. Nice shots although definitely not a fan of muskrats – have to battle them all year to keep them from destroying our stream banks. Nasty little creatures that don’t seem to be able to take a hint ha. That Sparrow shot is wall-hanger.

  3. I have always known that cats have magic in their souls and special ways to charm us with wise eyes and purring incatations. Brilliant photos!!

    • Cats are magic. It’s good they really don’t know how to use it very well or they would really take over the world.

  4. Wow these photos are amazing. Those are some awesome talons on the owl. That is a real close-up Timothy. The cat photograph is amazing. The “pTerodactyl basking in light of dusk” just stunning. I love all the birds we have here but nothing like that, how wonderful. Have a great Easter, love all your cat pictures too. It reminds me of when we had three at one time. Love and hugs to you and your family, Joni

    • The pTerodactyl? That’s a great blue heron. It’s a large bird with a very loud cry that I think is very much like what a real pterodactyl would have sounded like. It you don’t see him and he flies close to you yelling his warning cry, it scares the heck out of you.

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