Snow on Sandias


We got a little over 1/4 inch of rain last night, while the Sandias got snow. I went out into the freezing wind around 11:30 AM to get photos of the snow covered, cloud capped Sandias from different locations in Corrales. However, the last panorama was taken at sunset from Rio Rancho.








50 thoughts on “Snow on Sandias

  1. Postcard perfect photos of that frosting on the Sandias, Timothy! Nice shots. Those are gorgeous, and a real tribute to the area you live in. But I would expect nothing less from you and your camera! Always a treat! 🙂

  2. So pretty… It made me think of powdered sugar on a chocolate cake. Maybe i need breakfast! 😀
    I know ya’ll need the moisture even from a dusting of snow.
    Have a marvelous Monday.

  3. First thought that came to my mind was, hmmm…maybe Venus and Athena are hiding in all those clouds so they can’t be seen by the mortals.

  4. It amazes me when there is such immaculate beauty in the world such as your photos so marvelously, spectacularly display, how anyone can not believe in a Higher Power.

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