Moon & Jupiter in the Tangle Heart Tree

I walked out to the Tangle Heart Tree under the light of a half-moon. The owls hooted, Chupacabra nipped at my heels, and La Llorona wept in the shadows. As I approached the Tangle Heart Tree, the half-moon and Jupiter fell into the heart. While I was photographing the phenom of a cottonwood embracing two celestial bodies, a legion of ghosts swept past me streaking my photo, causing the coyotes and chupacabra to howl, and La Llorona to cry out as she grabbed at the apparitions hoping to catch her children among the flock of phantoms. The remnants of ghostly matter made the next photo look like a painting. The following photo came out a little clearer, but there were still pieces of paranormal particles hanging in the air. The last photo cleared up a little more but it still shows remnants of the eidolon.

A legion of ghosts swept past me.

The remnants of ghostly matter.

Pieces of paranormal particles hanging in the air.

Still showing remnants of the eidolon.


Purple Collar

A hummingbird landed in my path as I was walking down the side of the levee into the bosque. He said: “Who is that parading past my perch”? I said, “It is only I a lowly paparazzo out for a walk to find wild willing subjects like you!” The hummer responded “Well here I am, get in your shots. I can’t wait all day.”

Note: I saved the images larger, so you can get a good view of the images by clicking on them.

“Hows this side? Do you like my purple collar?” he asked. “You are quite a handsome hombre! Your collar is lovely.” I answered.

Intermission: Here’s a Downy Woodpecker chick in a cottonwood waiting for Mama to bring him breakfast.

“How’s my profile?”

A closer view

Firsts, Cats, Close to Lasts

First bloom purple crocus.
First bloom yellow crocus.
Mama owl sitting on her eggs.
We should start seeing owlets in a couple of months.
The not quite full moon had an interesting color just before sunset.
Marble being silly.
Spunk being handsome.
Sasha being beautiful.
Cottonwood in the bosque basking in the late afternoon sun.
Maybe the last of the cranes.
¡Hasta la vista!