86 thoughts on “Turbo Spunk

    • He loves the kittens now because they play games with him. We and Marble get a long, but it’s on and off, more off than on, with the other cats. Thanks, Holly.

    • I think he’s calmer in some ways. But it has done little to curb his destructiveness. Thanks, David.

      • I consider all mine to be siblings, though only 2 sets are by birth (the Ashlettes & “the kittens”). Though I’ve taken to calling Toonces the “uncle” of the kittens.

  1. My tortoise shell female, Isis, can be an angel or a demon. She terrorizes other cats, if she can get away with it, and always wants to be #1. We’ve used the pheromone therapy and calming paste, which both work very well. It’s one reason I haven’t gotten anymore cats.

    • Marble is super sweet, but very demanding. She can be ornery, but nothing like Spunk. Spunk is a psycho kitty.

  2. Well, it doesn’t look like Glenda and Marble mind the licking. My cats used to groom each other. Most of the time, they enjoyed it, but occasionally, the licking got on their nerves. A few of my cats used to lick me, and let me tell you, those are some rough tongues.

  3. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
    Ahh, Spunkie-Poo 💋, you are my sweet fave!
    Tim, has he eaten the pheromone collar, yet?
    Spunkie-Poo 💋 will be Spunkie-Poo 💋!

    • Spunk is a real character, super destructive, too smart for his own good. He is a great cat. Thanks, Josh.

  4. I had not heard of the pheromone collars, Tim. Now that he’s had it for awhile, how is it working out?
    I bought some of the spray when I was getting ready to move. I couldn’t tell whether or not it helped Crystal’s stress. I use it now and then just in case. Hugs.

    • I have to change the collars one a month. They seem to help calm him down. He wants more attention when they are in full effect. When they start wearing off at the end of a month, he becomes more and more ornery. When I change collars, he seems to know he’s going to forced to be nicer, so he tries to get as much of his destructive energy and orneriness in before the pheromones kick in again. It’s a new cycle in Spunkiness. Thanks, Teagan.

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