Lying Around



I saw a headline that NASA was paying people $18,000 to lay in bed for 70 days. I didn’t take time to read the article, but I started thinking about how it would be impossible for me to lie in bed for 70 days when I can hardly lie down for 20 minutes to ice the incision from surgery this morning.

We checked in at the hospital at 6:00 am, and got back home about 11:00 am from getting a couple of hernias fixed. I have a pain pump hanging off my shirt, have had a bird on my shoulder most of the afternoon, a bag of ice in my pants off and on, and a gathering of big, fat, bad kitties temping me to pick them up. The pain pump is filled with a local anesthetic that will keep the surgical area numb for a couple days to enhance healing, and reduce the need for narcotic pain killers. I haven’t had any pain so far, and so I have been feeling rather perky. When I do lie around on the deck, I watch and photograph critters, clouds and the the occasional Osprey that flies by.







12 thoughts on “Lying Around

  1. Take care with the lifting, especially kitties. They will just have to be good and not jump on you. Hope you have a complete recovery, Tim.

  2. Sorry I missed wishing you speedy recovery yesterday. I hope the recovery is going well, and I know you have good people and good animals looking after you. I hope you are dancing again in no time!! 🙂

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