Lying Around



I saw a headline that NASA was paying people $18,000 to lay in bed for 70 days. I didn’t take time to read the article, but I started thinking about how it would be impossible for me to lie in bed for 70 days when I can hardly lie down for 20 minutes to ice the incision from surgery this morning.

We checked in at the hospital at 6:00 am, and got back home about 11:00 am from getting a couple of hernias fixed. I have a pain pump hanging off my shirt, have had a bird on my shoulder most of the afternoon, a bag of ice in my pants off and on, and a gathering of big, fat, bad kitties temping me to pick them up. The pain pump is filled with a local anesthetic that will keep the surgical area numb for a couple days to enhance healing, and reduce the need for narcotic pain killers. I haven’t had any pain so far, and so I have been feeling rather perky. When I do lie around on the deck, I watch and photograph critters, clouds and the the occasional Osprey that flies by.










These may actually be “toadstools”, but since we’ve had all the rain, our yard is bursting with a variety of fungi. I find the blue mushrooms especially interesting and beautiful with their feathery texture and curled edges.










Cat Fight



After helping me change the sheets on the bed, Diné started challenging Rosencrantz by biting him on the legs. I ran and got my camera, and when I returned Rosencrantz was giving Diné “mad dogs”, and the fight was on. Diné is the one who picks fights with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and she is always on top as the aggressor, because even though Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are both much larger and stronger than Diné, she is still top cat; therefore, they always maintain the defensive position when she attacks. Even though Rosencrantz brandishes his impressive set of claws in Diné’s face (those claws have earned him the nick name “Claws and Fangs”), Diné is not impressed and whoops on Rosnecrantz until she feels she’s defeated him. This is the full sequence of their sparring match from mad dogs to Rosencrantz’ attempt to get in one last swat before Diné jumped off the bed after her triumphant, tiger-like pounce.



















I got up close and personal with a ladybug after going out to check the water level in the Rio Grande at 7:30 am. The river was back to normal with no indication that the water got higher than in was in my photos from yesterday’s blog. I was going to go out and see what the water level in the river was when I woke up at 2:00 am, but it was pouring rain, so I stayed in bed. We got another 3/4 inch of rain over night giving us a total of 9 inches for the year.

The white flower was blooming on the levee in the early morning and the rain drops on the roses where like viewing the world through tiny crystal balls with my macro lens.



Rio on the Rise



We got another 7/8 inch of rain overnight, but there has been heavier rains up north that are causing the Rio Grande to rise. The first photo taken at 6:00 pm on Friday the 13th, shows the river up about 6 feet above where it normally runs this time of year. The following two photos are close to the same view of the Sandias and Rio Grande, but the first one was taken about 5:50 pm on Friday the 13th and the second one was taken in December 2011. I would have like to have had a photo of the river and Sandias from June 2013 when the river was really low, but the bosque was closed, so I wasn’t able to get the river to do photos.

Currently, the river has to rise another 5 feet before it will get into the bosque, and then it would have to rise about 25 to 30 feet before it would go over the levees. I don’t think we have had enough rain for the river to flood our area. I’ll be surprised if it rises enough to get into the bosque, but I’ll check in the morning a see where it is.







Rain Clouds



We’ve had a little over an inch and a half of rain over the past two days giving us a total of 7.60 inches of rain for the year. The clouds between the rains were quite interesting.












Bungle in the Jungle



Our yard has gone from a parched desert in the beginning of July, when we had less than 9/10 for an inch of rain for the entire first half of 2013, to a colorful jungle since we have received over 6 inches of rain since the beginning of July. I took the photos just after sunrise, before I spent the day pulling morning glories off of rose bushes and other plants, clearing paths, laying cardboard on the paths and spreading mulch on the cardboard. It’s still a jungle out there, but at least we don’t need a machete to cut our way from one end of the garden to the other.




