57 thoughts on “Nightmare Catcher

    • The spiders that made these webs that have caught a lot of cotton from the cottonwoods are small spiders. Thanks, Janet.

    • With the cotton getting stuck in the cobwebs, I come in from the catio all covered in white. Cobwebs are a pain to clean. Thanks, Shey.

      • Tell me about it. We have this prob here in this hosue with white spiders. They are invisible on any white skirting, the two white wooden floors we have, the white living room and any white ceilings. And our walls are high–it’s an old house. They trail webs everywhere, skeins of them. So I actually have to hoover the ceilings and cornices and get a ladder out to do it.

        • Sounds like you have a perfect habitat for white spiders. You could do a take-off on Cream: “In a white room with white curtains, there’s white spiders! On the ladder, sucks up cobwebs, tired darling!”

  1. That web almost looks electrified! Looks like a good intro to The Twilight Zone!

    That is a dapper little bug and a beautiful orange afterglow on that sunset.

  2. Terrific Timku

    that’s true

    but there are some pretty nightmarish happenings in side the web

    alot of them hard to bear

  3. I am definitely partial to spiders in our parts – we have them over 8 feet long on a certain weekend in October and they have been known to roll a guests up for late night dinners. On the dreamcatcher front, can someone please explain why people have them in their cars…it disturbs me whenever I see that.

    • I’ve never seen one in a car out here. It must be some weird and disturbing thing in your neck of the woods. Do you remember George Carlin’s piece about statuettes of Jesus on the dashboards of cars? I used to see a lot of statuettes of Jesus on dashboards and lots of dogs with bobbing heads in rear windows. I haven’t seen any of those in years. Speaking of “plaster statues, lights, and stands,” do you know “Elvis Bought Dora a Cadillac” by Wall of Voodoo? It’s a wonderful song.

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