43 thoughts on “Beaver Dragon

  1. It is good to see such fat healthy beavers. The air looks pretty clear down there today in that one photo. Have the winds blown the smoke out, or did they manage to put the fires out?

    • We haven’t had smoke from the Ruidoso fires. The smoke cleared up from the California fires that gave us the alien sun. It’s been really windy this afternoon, so now we have a lot of dust in the air. Thanks, Lavinia.

    • Beavers can be silly. They are fun to watch. It’s great when they slap their tails on the water. Thanks, Teagan.

    • Your tree is too far from the river to tempt a beaver to gnaw on it. The porcupine will climb up and eat the tender growth. Fortunately, the bark is too gnarly to gnaw on cottonwoods. The porcupines gnaw on the elm trees and ring them, which kills the trees. Fortunately, elms are like weeds, so it’s not a huge loss.

  2. Beavers have a warm place in my heart. I rehab them every winter when they start getting injured from weather problems. They’re sweet creatures.

    • La Grange was “that home out on the range” with chickens and beavers. Thanks, Brian.

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