Beaver Moon Rises Again

Clear sky at dawn

After the clouds cleared last night, the morning’s low was 19ºF (-7.2ºC). There was not a cloud in the sky all day. The high was 41ºF (5ºC) at 3:00 pm when I hit the ditch banks for my daily ride.

Beaver Moon rising in a clear sky. Jupiter looks on.

Glenda: “Why do stinking beavers get a moon and kitties don’t?” Good Question.

Snowing Slightly —> Snowing lighting —> Snowing Lightning

Snowing lightning

With my numb, arthritic fingers, I can’t type worth beans these days. I thought I commented to Lavinia, “It’s snowing lightly now,” but auto-mistake changed whatever typo I made on “lightly” to lighting. Lavinia read it as “lightning” and replied that she had only seen “snow lightning” a few times in her life. I replied that I had never seen it. Then Deborah chimed in on snow lightning, as well. As you can see in the above photo, I made snow lightning.

All the confusion about snow lightning occurred because it snowed last night and this morning.

Kitties in the snow

Clear sky in the west at sunset

Vulture watching the Beaver Moon rise. Jupiter looks on.

The moon is 98.3% full tonight. It will be 99.9% full tomorrow night. The official full moon is on Monday when it doesn’t pass the meridian. It will still be 99% full on Tuesday.

Beaver Moon swimming in a sea of clouds. Jupiter looks on.

Beaver Moon in colorful whipped cream clouds. Jupiter looks on.

WordPress reminded me that I’ve been blogging for thirteen years. I think it’s time to retire.

Bloody Beaver Moon / Contrails Gone Wild

Dawn anticipates the violence of the sun

Contrails mark the night sky as they are blown, and reshaped into apparitions.

The beaver moon shining bright, and full of itself, rises in anticipation of becoming a bloody beaver moon in the wee hours of the morning†.

The above photo is only representative of the blood moon that will happen almost 8 hours after this post’s posting.

†There will be a full eclipse of the moon in the wee hours of the morning on 11/8/22 that will be visible from my location starting at 1:00 am. The full eclipse will be at 3:59 am. The moon will set before the eclipse ends at 6:56, close to sunrise.