64 thoughts on “Bonnie Beavers

    • Thanks, Lavina. There was lots of critter activity in the bosque tonight. It got late so I only posted the beavers.

    • Thanks, Srikanth. Some people will beg to differ on whether a beaver’s stink is good or bad. Castoreum, that is secreted from a gland near a beaver’s anus, is considered to be “favorably fragrant” enough that it is used to flavor ice cream, chewing gum, pudding and brownies — basically anything that could use a vanilla, raspberry or strawberry flavor has been substituted by Castoreum for at least 80 years.

      • Thank you Timothy ! This is information to me ! During my childhood while I visited the zoo I used to watch the Beavers play in the pond which was murky and I didn’t like the smell at that time and it remained in my memories! Sorry to misrepresent it now 🤝

        • Memories like that are associative. Murky water would probably not smell very good.

  1. Love this! Everytime I go to one of our national parks – a mere 15 minutes away – I always hope to see some but so far… nyet! Oh well… maybe one day 🙂

  2. Oh how cool! Tim, the shots are wonderfully clear too. That had to be difficult.
    I got a kick out of the “Dut-dah dut-dah, dut-dah dut-dah” (Jaws theme) photo… swimming right at the camera. Hugs on the wing!

  3. Seen maybe 4 beavers in the wild in my lifetime and all four of them scared the crap out of me – Seems like every time they would sneak up just outside of my peripheral vision and then snap that tail on the water. Almost dropped my camera once it caught me so off guard while standing in the middle of nowhere and BOOM. Never seen one fully out of the water like that.

    • Hi Brian. One of our ditch bank neighbors was telling us she never sees the beavers. We told her to walk down to Beaver Point with us. We got the the edge of the river and while we were watching a couple of beavers across the river like in these photos, one snuck up right in front of her and splashed. Scared the living daylights out of her. We saw five different beavers that night and she got the full beaver experience. Last night a young couple we see on the ditch often walked out to Beaver Point with us, and that was the first time they had seen beavers. I was yelling at the beavers trying to get them to slap for the couple, but they ignored my pleas until canoeists came paddling down the river and we got 3 good slaps one right after another.

  4. Amazing photographs Tim. I think they have kind of a cute face too. I know some people will not agree but I think they have a sweet face and they don’t get paid for their engineering skills either, so they just love nature like ya’ll do. I loved the one swimming with the big branch. Amazing shots Tim. Thank you, hugs ya’ll. xoxoxo

    • Thanks, Joni. Beavers are way too much under appreciated for their engineering skills and water management skills. A lot of the water problems we have out in the southwest has to do with decimating the beavers and tearing out their dams. Our Conservancy Districts are terrible at managing water.

      • I loved the Beavers 🦫 they were so cute. They are hard little workers. I was amazed at how much they could carry. Your photographs were so lovely. It looked like they were swimming at a pretty good clip too. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photographs of them. I have never had the pleasure of seeing them working in the wild. It was a treat. I am not surprised to hear about the Conservancy Districts doing a good job managing water. I really enjoyed it. 🤗

  5. The blue highlights add a nice dimension to these photos. Unless it’s just my computer. Bonnie blue beavers. 🙂

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