Moon & Venus On The Rise

Moon & Venus rising at 6:00 am.

I woke up at 5:45 am this morning to a sliver moon peeking through the window and Venus hanging out in the trees. I got up, put on shoes, checked the temp, 18ยบ F outside, grabbed my camera, and headed out into the cold and dark. I took a series of photos of the moon and Venus rising over the next hour.

6:22 am

6:23 am

6:25 am using a different exposure.

6:25 am

6:40 am

6:41 am

6:44 am

7:00 am

Venus had disappeared and the moon was just barely a sliver as the sun was getting ready to rise at 7:03 am.

The moon had faded to a tiny sliver by 7:04 am.