39 thoughts on “Smoking Hot

  1. OMG!

    Fire season again!

    Are you guys okay? Any evacuations in sight?

    That smoke is crazy.

    Spunkie Van Gogh Poo 💋. Love it,Tim! xxx

    • The smoke in the photo was from fires in California. There are two large fires burning in the area around Ruidoso, NM, 200 miles south of us but only 50 miles north and east of Teagan. Last I saw, 7,000 people had been evacuated. I’m sure a lot more people have been evacuated now. If you look up the fires, they are huge. Thanks, Resa.

  2. Oh, no!
    Fires paint the skies amazingly however these are paintings I don’t enjoy seeing. Devastating!
    I hope they are controlled very soon!
    Spunk, you and your friends are safe with your humans.

  3. My beau was saying there are forest fires in New Mexico. I was hoping they are far from you. Stay safe!

    That first image is very cool, though.

  4. An alien orange sun is a sure sign of smoke from fires. I see you answered my question about how far away they are in your answer to Dale. Stay safe!

    • Thanks, Lavinia. 1400 structures have burned in the Ruidoso fires so far. It’s really windy up here this afternoon.

  5. Tim, you certainly made something beautiful from the smoke. I was wondering where my bad air quality was coming from, since the wind for the Ruidoso fires is going in the opposite direction from me. So California…
    It seems that Ruidoso has “incurred the wrath of God” as they say. Yesterday they were hit with an intense storm, with baseball sized hail and flooding (particularly at the burn scar from two years ago). Although I doubt even that was enough to put out the infernos. I haven’t seen any status today.
    Anyhow you reminded me of an old song I used to love, but haven’t thought about in ages. Hugs.

    • It’s amazing how far the smoke travels and how little you will get if the will isn’t blowing it to you. I always think of that song when getting smoked out from CA and AZ fires. Thanks, Teagan.

    • A friend gave me those coasters. I took them with me when I was in the hospital for a month so Spunk could watch over me. Thanks, Brian.

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