11th Annual Corrales Rose Society Dr. Huey Tour

Contrail from a different location

Visit my post on my Zenfolio blog from May 2015 to learn more about the annual Dr. Huey tours: The 2nd Annual Corrales Rose Society Dr. Huey Tour. Our first Dr. Heuy Tour was on May 26, 2014. We didn’t publicize the first one. My post that day was called Day For The Dead. We were worn out from running all over Corrales in inclement weather, finding Dr. Hueys. Now that we are older and we have enough Dr. Hueys in our gardens, we don’t feel the need to run all over Corrales looking for Dr. Hueys.

“Ahem! Don’t forget about Dr. Spunk! I might have to give you a Vulcat nerve pinch, you stupid paparazzo!”


We saw Daddy Owl from the nest that used to be south of us.